Create a healthier, happier, productive workforce.
Companies have found that they have more productive employees when they are trained in mindfulness. They handle stress and pressure better, becoming more responsive and less reactive to stressful situations. Employee job satisfaction grows, creativity improves, as does memory and retention. Mindfulness can also result in fewer sick days, more clarity and improved productivity. You may find that employees are able to connect more to clients needs, as well as those of co-workers, creating a better environment for success and a healthier workplace. Employees can also experience significant benefits in their personal lives as well!
It is also very important for the executives to practice mindfulness! This article mentions several prominant business leaders that practice meditation on a daily basis. This helps them become more mindful, better able to handle the stress of their position, improve personal productivity, and better connect to the people who work for them.
What is your business lacking? What would the employees say is missing?
Initiative from employees
Communication and collaboration
Employee loyalty
A healthy work environment
Productive meetings
I would love to help you build a mindfulness program for your business! Let's discuss how I can help your employees and business be more successful.
Meditation & Mindfulness
Meditation is great for anyone who wants to improve their health, their stress levels, their productivity, and creativity. Meditation affects every part of your life in a positive way.
Mindfulness is a form of meditation where you learn to train your brain to stop focusing on a million different things, and to learn to be mindful and to handle things in a productive and healthy way.
When we are focusing on several different things at once, it causes us stress. Our performance becomes affected, and so does our health. Stress affects our brains, our bodies, our creativity, our focus, the ability to work effectively, and our health. Of course, this affects our work and our home life. All of these factors are excellent reasons to begin a meditation and mindfulness practice.
My experience with meditation has taught me that I am more present, I have more clarity, focus, creativity, and peace of mind. Meditating also helps me connect to my intuition which is beneficial in my business and my personal life. I handle stress better and I enjoy life more. On rare days when I have been unable to meditate, I will feet it throughout the day. Things do not go as planned, and I just don't feel like myself. Don't get me wrong when you meditate things can still go wrong but it is the way you deal with and respond to it that is different. So when I miss a day It's as though I am missing something vital, which to me, meditation is. It is my "go to" first thing in the morning, so that throughout my day, I am still receiving the positive effects of meditation.
People often wonder if meditating means you don't get upset anymore. I can tell you, yes you will still get upset, but most likely not as often. The way you handle a difficult situation changes, The more you practice mindfulness, the easier it becomes.
You create the life you want by noticing what works in your life and what doesn't. You learn what or who is healthy for you, and what or who isn't. You gain peace of mind, health, and joy. It only takes a little time to add some amazing benefits to your life.
I teach workshops on meditation and mindfulness as well as retreats.. I also work with people individually, helping them to learn meditation an assist them in their growth..